I’ll keep this simple. You need a Tassi. If you have medium to long hair and you wash you face every night before you hit the sack – as every good Spa Girl should – then you should have a Tassi parked next to your toothbrush.
Made of soft terry cloth with elastic on each end – it’s like a glorified headband but better. The Tassi not only keeps your hair out of the way as you rinse your face, but it has a “pocket” that catches your mane and keeps it from creeping its way into the stream of water. It’s so darn simple that it’s brilliant.
Here’s what I personally love about this little wonder. Before I discovered the Tassi, I would use clips and pins and hairbands in all sorts of wacky ways to keep my hair out of my face when I washed it or put on makeup. I’d end up with crimps and weird waves in all the wrong places. The Tassi totally eliminates that problem. It cradles hair in a gentle embrace that doesn’t flatten or rewire your style.
And yes, I’ve slept with my Tassi. That’s right. Like most women, I love my hair after a visit to my stylist or after I’ve had a professional blowout. I pop on my Tassi before bed to keep my new do fresh.
What could top that? Well I’ll tell ya. The Tassie was born and is based right here in Arizona. Founder Shawna Ellsworth based the design on a hair wrap her Aunt Dot would make for her daughters. Shawna was of fan of her Aunt Dot’s hair wrap and would use it when she washed her face each night. Over the years while raising five children, Shawna refined Aunt Dot’s original concept and eventually, she patented the little hair saver and began selling the Tassi from her home in Arizona by word of mouth. Women (myself included) fell hair over heels for them and the rest is hair-story.
Still not on the Tassi train? Wow. You’re a tough crowd. Okay so how about the fact that it comes in about the coolest array of 20 colors and patterns? Pink polka dot, leopard print and hot pink to name a few. Plus, you can throw the Tassi in the washing machine and dryer and it come out even softer.
Just in case you’re thinking this could replace your shower cap, the Tassi is not waterproof. If you want a great shower cap, check out the Betty Dain Mold Resistant Shower Cap or the Drybar Morning After Shower Cap. Both are great for keeping hair dry in the shower.
But for everything else, you need a Tassi! You gotta check this out!
The Tassi runs about $14.99 on amazon.com
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