About a week ago I got an uninvited visitor. A huge, mongo zit the size of Miami. It was gurgling underneath the skin on my chin like a volcano ready to blow. It’s what they refer to in the aesthetics biz as a cyst (or cystic acne), and I’ve been frequented by the little mother chuckers throughout my 30s. They are big. They are painful. And as those of you know who have experienced them, they are ugly.
So on the first day that I felt it rear its ugly head, I popped by my neighborhood skincare haunt on my way home from the office. “Give me the strongest stuff you have,” I announced to Ilana, the front desk manager. She asked which cleanser I was currently using only to find out that it was the strongest stuff they had. “But you might want to give Eminence a try,” she suggested. “Nah, that’s sissy stuff!” I snapped back. “You gotta have something stronger.”
Just about that time, another trusted aesthetician, Stacy, came out of a treatment room and listened to my sob story. “You should try Eminence,” she said. “Really?” I answered (sorry Ilana!). I left with three products and a sizable dent in my credit card: the Mineral Cleansing Concentrate for deep cleaning ($38), the Garlic and Tomato Masque for treating blemish-prone skin ($48) and the Herbal Spot Serum high potency acne gel ($38).
But here’s the exciting end to my little story: The dragon zit has been slain!
The first night I used the prescribed cleanser, followed by the mask for 10 minutes and then dosed the area in the serum. I used my regular cleanser the next morning with a spot of serum and repeated the Eminence routine the next evening. By the third day, the unwanted guest was sullenly packing its bags. By the fourth day, I could barely feel a small bump under the skin. Now, it’s pretty much beaten and whipped without a raw, red mar on my skin from the acid-based products I normally use on these eruptions. \
I’m sold and still use the Mineral Cleansing Concentrate as my evening wash. I recently met international trainer and president of Eminence Organic Skin Care, Boldijarre Koronczay, and he was a breeze of fresh air. But could it be true? Could this gentle, organic line made of handpicked herbs and plants really be the answer to the monster zit and healthy, happy skin? I’m sure I have more uninvited guests waiting in the wings to test this trio but for now I’m pumped.
Get Eminence Organic Skin Care at spas nationwide.
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