Like most women, I seem to be on a never-ending quest for the perfect nail polish. My requirements are simple: Easy and smooth application paired with a rich color that pops.
Thankfully we stumbled upon wHet: The avant-garde approach to nail color. Your nail color expresses your personality and emotion, and this dynamic color palette provides you with fashion-forward colors with true “pop-ability.”
From the creators of ME! Bath, wHet is all about unique shades with a sassy sense of chic. The polish is a high shine; chip-free, vegan formula that is never tested on animals. Exclusively made in the USA, the formula is “three-free,” meaning it is void of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene and DBP.
As a self-proclaimed nail polish junkie, I was excited to try it. Application was a breeze. I was feeling a little sassy so I chose a deep royal purple named Serendipity. Not only does the name mean, “The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident,” (which is how we stumbled upon wHet in the first place) but the color was the perfect shade of purple that I’ve been searching for. wHet Serendipity is “The Three Bears” of nail polish. The purple wasn’t too blue, it wasn’t too red, it was just right!
Among some of my favorite colors is Wanderlust, a deep navy blue, Nonchalant, the perfect shade of taupe and Salacious, a sexy red.
Manicured nails are one of a girl’s best accessories. They are great for your confidence and add a finishing touch to your ensemble. Dive into wHet and complement your fall look with hot nails!
Get wHet nail polishes at whetnails.com or zappos.com for $14-$15.
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