I wish I had known about Votre Vu Trouble Spot Treatment in high school and college, when I always seemed to get a zit at the most inopportune times (Senior Prom, Picture Day, Graduation … oh and just about every day in between).
I tried Votre Vu’s Trouble Spot Treatment ($19) for the first time last week and ooohh la la (sorry, had to say it) … it’s a serious miracle worker. I had to be sure to carefully read the directions, because my first instinct was to shake it up before using because there is a pink powdery-looking substance on the bottom and liquid on the top. But, no shaking allowed. All you have to do is dip a clean cotton swab straight down into the powdery base. Then, you apply the pink base to your troubled areas and viola!. Okay, maybe it doesn’t work that quickly, but within a few hours your blemish will shrink, and if you leave it on overnight, it will disappear. Don’t be alarmed, it looks and feels a bit like Calamine lotion once applied, but it does the trick. The cream dries flat matte, so you can actually wear makeup over it and your skin can heal underneath.
It’s a must-try, especially for those annoying cases of adult acne that most of us are blessed with. For more info, check out www.votrevu.com.
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