Nail fungus is more common than you think. Barielle has a proven solution!
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While everyone else is all abuzz about their fabulous summer plans, we thought we’d take this auspicious occasion to talk about something completely not fabulous. Fungus. It’s gross. And it’s everywhere. Lurking in even the most chichi salons and waiting to pounce on you like a used car salesman. Nail fungus (aka, Onychomycosis) is created by icky little organisms that infect fingernails and toenails and, well, we hate them. The funky fungus causes a yellow-brownish or white discoloration of the nails and it seems that once you get it, it sticks with you.
A leader in nail product innovations for more than 30 years, Barielle offers a solution to the unsightly and unwelcome problem with their new fungus fighter, Fungus Rx. Barielle Fungus Rx Maximum Strength Antifungal Solution is formulated with Tolnaftate, an odor-free maximum strength yet gentle anti-fungal treatment that heals and eliminates fungus on cuticles and skin around the nail. And unlike many over-the-counter anti-fungal solutions that have brush-on applicators (which can actually promote the spread of further infection, Eee Gads!), Fungus Rx has a dropper-tip application system that ensures hygiene.
Buy Barielle Fungus Rx at barielle.com or amazon.com. Get 10% off at barielle.com with code EVERGREEN19.
Read more on nail fungus and prevention on WebMD.com.
You may now return to your regular fabulous programming. Have a fabulous summer!
Give yourself a home spa pedicure with these simple steps.
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