Keep calm with these soothing mind-body balms.
Stress happens. In my world, it happens—a lot. I figure stress and its cranky cousins—anxiety, sleeplessness and moodiness —are there to remind us to pipe the heck down and remember that even the big, hairy, scary moments in our life are a gift. Because when you’ve managed to survive them, you realize 1) you’re a powerful mo-fo who can leap tall buildings in stiletto heels and 2) you can breathe and be grateful now that it’s over. Of course, being armed with a few stress-reducing tools doesn’t hurt. Shore up your beauty arsenal with these six calm balms.
Lotus Wei Inner Peace Mist. Keep calm and embrace the power of the Arctic Lupine flower. A commingling of complementary flower essences, this aromatherapeutic mist replaces stress with feelings of deep peace, contentment and assuredness. Spray it above your face and shoulders, your pillow or your office space. $30 at lotuswei.com.
Sprayology Stress Relief. Are your stress levels soaring? Restore your inner calm with this homeopathic oral spray. Just two squirts under the tongue soothes anxiety, mood swings, nervousness and irritability. $29 at sprayology.com.
Lather Clear Head Balancing Balm. Tamp down mind chatter with this balancing aromatherapy balm. Dap on wrists, temples and areas of tension and breathe in the cooling blend of menthol, lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus. $9 at lather.com.
Dr. Hauschka Moor Lavender Calming Bath Essence. When the stress hits the proverbial fan, take a bath. The milky, aromatic bath essence soothes tension, eases the mind and restores feelings of peace and tranquility. Lavender essential oil calms skin redness while moor extract with almond and avocado oils protects and fortifies skin. $29.95 at dr.hauschka.com.
Aveda Stress Fix Concentrate. Preparing for a tense meeting with your boss? Dab this on your pulse points and melt away anxiety. The French lavender-laced aroma is formulated using the science of “aromaology” to reduce feelings of stress anytime, anywhere. $24 at aveda.com.
John Masters Organics Lip Calm. A sweet, light treat for lips that soothes and protects your pucker. Lemon, lime and tangerine essential oils give this lip balm a delightful flavor while olive, jojoba and borage oil moisturize and protect. $6 at johnmasters.com.
Do you have a go-to stress fix? Do tell with your comments below.
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