Don’t look now but that lady is following us. We’ve seen her at the mall, our local coffee haunt, in line at the grocery store. She’s dressed to the nines (in her mind anyway). She carries the loudest designer knockoff handbag. She leaves a trail of Channel No. 3.5 in her wake. And her feet … Good Lord. Shoved painfully in some cheap strappy numbers, her heels are dried, cracked and so hideous that they tickle your gag reflex. Somebody, quick, slip her a bottle of Kiss My Face Obsessively Organic Foot Creme.
Devoted to keeping heels healthy, soft and smooth without harsh chemicals, the foot salve is just one of a lineup of all-natural body and skincare products from a company that proves glamour can be green. The brainchild of two vegetarians searching for healthy body care products, Kiss My Face was founded on a 200-acre organic farm in New York and has been operating out of a converted barn and feed store ever since. From moisturizers to liquid soaps, shave creams to body oils, Kiss My Face has something for everyone. Even for the lady with the horribly hideous feet.
Kiss My Face Obsessively Organic Foot Creme is $9. Get your Obsessively Organic fix at KissMyFace.com.
P.S. For those of you who caught yesterday’s post, no bobcat sightings lately. However, I did spot a hummingbird dancing around in my backyard this morning. Nature Girl Brownie badge here I come. Watch a video of nesting hummingbirds.
[…] Kiss My Face Foot Creme, $8.95 at kissmyface.com – A soothing, aromatic lotion loaded with naturally hydrating ingredients such as shea butter and sunflower seed oil to keep dry feet in check. More about Kiss My Face Foot Creme. […]