I read a priceless comment recently on the pages of Wired.com about the origins of blogs. In the “The Ultimate Blog Post,” Lore Sjoberg writes that “blog” is not only short for “weblog” but also “we blog because we weren’t very popular in high school and we’re trying to gain respect and admiration without actually having to be around people.” Now that’s funny. But wait, what am I laughing at? I wasn’t all that popular in high school and spend far too much time plunking away at my keyboard. Alone. In the dark. On Saturday nights. Now it’s not so funny.
So why another blog? The underlying mission of Arizona Spa Girls is to impart practical, useful information that makes the spa experience more accessible. And the Spa Blah Blah Blog gives me the opportunity to do just that. Spa events, at-home spa ideas, new salon openings and great beauty products are all fair game for this spa-centric blog. So while I may weave in a few personal details in the postings from time to time, my true purpose is to inspire you to take time out to smell the bath salts. We’ll just keep the fact that I wasn’t very popular in high school between us. Find out more about who we are and why we do what we do.
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